Uzbekistan’s Constitution of 1992 with Amendments through 2011
Judicial Independence
Article 112. Judges shall be independent and subject solely to law. Any interference in the work of judges in administering law shall be inadmissible and punishable by law. The immunity of judges shall be guaranteed by law. Judges may not be senators, deputies of the representative bodies of state authority. Judges may not be members of political parties, participate in political movements, as well as be engaged in any other paid activity except for research and pedagogical. Before the completion of his term of office, a judge may be relieved of his post only on grounds specified by law.
Attorney General’s Office
Article 118. The Procurator-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the procurators subordinate to him shall supervise the strict and uniform observance of laws on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Article 119. The Procurator-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall direct the centralized system of bodies of the procurators office. The Procurator of the Republic of Karakalpakstan shall be appointed by the supreme representative body of the Republic of Karakalpakstan as agreed with the Procurator-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Procurators of regions, districts, cities and towns shall be appointed by the Procurator-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The term of office shall be five years for the Procurator-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Procurator of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, procurators of regions, districts, cities and towns.