Turkmenistan’s Constitution of 2008 with Amendments through 2016

Judicial Independence

Article 6. State power in Turkmenistan shall be divided in the legislative, executive and judicial branches; they shall operate independently, balancing each other.
Article 98. Judges shall be independent; they shall be subject only to the Constitution and law. Interference in the work of judges, by whichever side, shall be unacceptable and punishable by law.

Judicial Council or Parallel Institution or Method of Appointment

Article 100. Judges shall be appointed and dismissed by the President of Turkmenistan. The procedure of appointment of judges and their dismissal shall be determined by law.

Attorney General’s Office

Article 129. The supervision of precise and uniform enforcement of the laws of Turkmenistan, acts of the President of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, shall be vested in the Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan, and his/her subordinate prosecutors. The Prosecutor shall participate in court proceedings on grounds of and in the manner prescribed by law.

General Assembly

The promise of legal empowerment in advancing access to justice for all, October 20, 2023

Human Rights Council

Reimagining justice: confronting contemporary challenges to the independence of judges and lawyers, June 26, 2023

General Assembly

Judicial independence in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, October 14, 2022

Human Rights Council

Protection of lawyers against undue interference in the free and independent exercise of the legal profession, June 21, 2022

General Assembly

Participation of women in the administration of justice, October 13, 2021

Human Rights Council

Report on Impact and challenges of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic for independent justice, June 28, 2021

General Assembly

Report on Disciplinary Proceedings Against Judges, October 15, 2020

Human Rights Council

Report: Independence of Public Prosecutors, Corruption and Human Rights, July 13, 2020

General Assembly - October 16, 2019

Report on the UN Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary