Suriname’s Constitution of 1987 with Amendments through 1992
Judicial Power
Article 133. 1. The Judicial Power is formed by the President and the Vice-President of the Court of Justice, the members and the deputy members of the Court of Justice, the Attorney-General with the Court of Justice, and the other members of the Public Prosecutors Office, and of other judicial functionaries indicated by law. 2. The law may provide that persons not belonging to the Judicial Power shall also take part in the activities of the Judicial Power. 3. The President, the Vice-President, the members and the deputy members of the Court of Justice constitute the Judicial Power that is charged with the administration of justice.
Judicial Council or Parallel Institution or Method of Appointment
Article 141. 1. To be appointed as a member of the Judicial Power entrusted with the administration of justice or as Attorney-General with the Court of Justice, one shall be at least thirty years of age and possess Suriname nationality and have domicile and main and real residence in Suriname. 2. The members of the Judicial Power entrusted with the administration of justice and the Attorney-General with the Court of Justice shall be appointed by the Government, after consultation of the Court of Justice. The appointment of the President, Vice-President, the members of the Court of Justice and the Attorney-General shall be for life. 3. The law determines the other conditions for appointment and also the financial provision for their benefit and that of their surviving relatives.